Creative You’ve Been Ducked Ideas

Creative You’ve Been Ducked Ideas — I share some creative ways to duck Jeeps other the the traditional Jeep Ducking.

Where to place a Rubber Duck on a Jeep

Where to Place a Rubber Duck on a Jeep When You’re Ducking — If you’ve ever spotted a rubber duck perched on a Jeep, you’ve witnessed a fun and heartwarming trend known as Jeep Ducking. This simple act of leaving a rubber duck on another Jeep is meant to spread kindness, appreciation, and a sense of community among Jeep owners.

Ducking Jeeps

Quack, Quack, Jeepers! The Story Behind Ducking Jeeps — If you’ve seen a rubber duck perched proudly on the hood of a Jeep lately, you might be wondering what’s going on. Is it a quirky decoration? A secret Jeep owner code? Well, it’s a bit of both! This fun trend is called “Ducking Jeeps,” and it’s a delightful way for Jeep enthusiasts to connect and spread some joy.